It is important to start your kitten's vaccinations as soon as possible.
We give two injections 3 weeks apart from the age of 9 weeks. 1 to 2 weeks after their second injection, kittens are fully covered although we don’t recommend letting them out until they have been neutered as they are more likely to stray.
Grown up cats should receive annual booster vaccinations to keep themselves covered and particularly if cats are entering catteries.
It is important to ensure that you keep these timescales otherwise you may need to restart a full course.
Flea and Tick Treatments
Fleas are quite common in pets and we advise regular treatments to prevent fleas. Flea infestations can lead to significant skin irritation and predispose to “Flea Allergic Dermatitis”.
Fleas also play an important part in the transmission of tapeworms, which is another reason to maintain good flea and worm control.
Ticks are most prevalent during Spring to Autumn in Wales. They are important to protect against as they can pass on serious diseases to your cat such as Lyme Disease.
Regular worming treatment is very important in kittens. We recommend worming kittens once a month until they are 6 months old and then once every three months after that for life.
Worming is not only important for your cat, it is also important for people as children, in particular, can become infected with roundworms, which in serious cases can result in blindness.
We recommend using products that are effective against:
- eggs
- larvae and adult roundworms
- hookworms
- tapeworms
- whipworms
Pet Insurance
We consider Pet Insurance to be an essential part of routine pet care these days to ensure that you and your pets are safeguarded against facing large vet bills in financially tough times.
We usually advise our clients to look at a “cover for life policy” and also advise that they do not change insurance companies mid life. Ask us for advice.
It is so easy and so quick to identichip your kitten at vaccination or neutering.
We cannot recommend it highly enough. Pets that are chipped are returned to their owners far quicker than if they have no chip. All the cat rehoming centres have chip readers and there is a National Register of identichips, so that your cat can be returned to you.
Reasons to Neuter
Unless you wish to breed from your pet, we recommend that you consider this for a number of reasons. It goes without saying that every year the animal charities are inundated with unwanted animals abandoned due to excessive unplanned breeding.
For unneutered cats, they can pick up fatal diseases such as Feline Aids or Feline Leukaemia.
Additionally, males can become more territorial and this can see them becoming aggressive and often sees them getting into fights and having to be treated for regular abscesses and wounds.
Cats can be neutered from 4 months of age as advised by the RSPCA and International Cat Care.
Do you have a new kitten?
It is so easy to protect them here at Haven from some of the fatal viruses they can come into contact with in their daily life.
Our primary kitten vaccination programmes include the following:
- Full primary vaccination course consisting of two vaccinations 2-4 weeks apart
- Vet health check to make sure your bundle of fun is in tip top condition
- Frontline combo flea treatment
- Milbemax worming treatment
- Advice on neutering, microchipping, diet or any other concerns
- Insurance advice with 4 weeks free no obligation pet insurance
- Repeated health check at your kitten’s 2nd vaccination
- Complimentary dental check at 6 months old
All of this for:
Kitten course: £71.68
Pet Health Plan
Find out how to save money and budget for your pet’s care.
We developed a Pet Health Plan to provide you with an option to spread the cost of routine primary care. This ensures our clients receive the very best veterinary treatment with continued monitoring at an affordable price including added benefits. Massive savings to be made throughout the year!